Privacy Policy
Welcome to the privacy policy of GuildGenix.

We take the protection of your data very seriously and store only what we have to. In this policy, we will try to explain as good and comprehensible as possible which data we store and why.

If you have any questions regarding your data, you can always write to us at [email protected].

Which data do we store and why?

When you sign up you have to enter your username, your email address and your password. Usually, your username cannot be traced back to you except if it contains your name or if you also use it on other platforms. Because of that, we protect your username the same way we protect personal data.

We only use your email address to verify your account, for notifications, to reset your password and pass it on to Stripe for payment processing and confirmation. We will never use your email address for a newsletter or anything like that. Notifications are emails with current information about your account or server, e.g. when your server is automatically deleted.

Your password is already concealed on your computer (hash) and will then be stored with more security (hash + salt) on our servers. So your password will never reach our servers in plaintext and is extra secured.

We also save the point in time of your registration to create statistics. Besides that, we have to keep that time to be able to prove that you have accepted this policy.

All settings of your server and all files that are created by your server are saved on our data center. Furthermore, we send this data as a backup to our storage center.

Our storage system which stores the files of your server logs all events (e.g. loading your files when starting the server or saving when stopping the server) together with your username or your user ID. Those events are saved for up to 7 days and help to identify and solve general or individual problems with our storage system.

Furthermore, we store how many and which players are currently on your server to determine statistics on the total number of players.

Every request to our website is captured and stored for up to 24 hours. The URL, the IP address, the session ID, the Cloudflare Ray ID and the country code provided by Cloudflare are stored. This data is only used to analyse problems and especially to detect and defend against attacks.

Besides that, we never save your IP address for the long term when you use our website. But it is possible, that your server writes your IP address and the IP addresses of other players into a log file. This log file is overwritten on every start and can always be deleted by reinstalling the server.

To be able to understand what happened when errors or problems occur, we save miscellaneous activities on our website, e.g. when you start your server, when you up- or download a world or when you change your email address or password. This data will not be processed automatically. It will only be used manually to solve errors or to help you.

Some errors that can occur in our system, e.g. different errors related to transferring files or when starting your server are stored together with your username for up to 24 hours to detect unusual peak occurrences of those errors, to analyse those errors and to solve them.

We use software to analyse the usage of our website. This helps us to determine the popularity of certain content, understand online activity and improve our service. Personal data like your IP address is anonymized. This data is only used for statistical purposes and is not shared with third parties.

Who has access to your data and why?

Simple Analytics: We use Simple Analytics on our website for detailed statistics. Your activities are pseudonymized, recorded and stored by Simple Analytics. Your IP address will be anonymized.

Cloudflare Inc: CDN and WAF (performance and security enhancements) for our website. All data sent to our website will be reviewed and forwarded by Cloudflare.

Postmark: We use the Postmark service to send emails on the above occasions.

Stripe, Inc: Stripe processes all payments on GuildGenix.

Your rights

We save all mentioned data starting from the registration until you decide to close your account. In doing so, we will delete your data 7 days after the closing to avoid possible issues or to cancel an unintended closing. Apart from this, you have the right to complete the deletion of your data.

You have the right to information about your personal data as well as for correction. Additionally, you can limit the processing or contradict it completely. Please contact us with sufficient verification at [email protected].

Furthermore, according to Article #77 GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data is illicit.

The provision of your personal data is neither legally nor contractually binding and is optional. If you do not agree to this policy, we cannot offer you our services, unfortunately.

You are only allowed to agree to this policy if you are at least 16 years old (or less if your country has different regulations) or if consent is given by the holder of your parental responsibility.